Export data from Tally

Tally to OpenERP

During this weekend I was playing with my old laptop having Windows and Tally  installed. Instantly I played with tally  and tried to check that if i can integrate it with OpenERP. I get some solutions on my first investigation that allows to access data outside tally, many solutions works on the windows with the .NET, C# or Vb 6.0.

During my investigation I found that, there are two ways to access data of tally, one is using Tally ODBC Driver and the second is communicating to Tally server through XmlHttpRequest. The second method is appropriate if we want to export date from Tally to OpenERP.
Thanks to the example given by http://www.rtslink.com/visualbasic.html, It gives me clear idea how I can interact with the Tally data. I can read and write the data from and to Tally easily through any application. Based on the example I have prepared, It is a small prototype that imports all vouchers from Tally, look at below for code.
Read all vouchers from Tally
This code will return xml data that describe the detailed list of vouchers including payment, receipt, sales, purchase and contra. Before importing vouchers I think its better to imports all master data like Accounts, Products, Inventory, Tax, Etc..

8 thoughts on “Export data from Tally

      1. I want to import accounting data from tally to openerp.
        I have downloaded the above branch, but not able to find module for importing data from tally to openerp.

        Thanks in advance.

  1. See Voucher to Tally in sourceforge. vchupdate,dll can post accounting and inventory data to Tally. It is free and Open Source.

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